Were you at last night’s Flaming LipsTame Impala and White Denim show at the Greek? It was visually explosive and one of the best show I have been to all year!

I have listened to Tame Impala’s albums so endlessly during auspicious moments over the years, that seeing them live brought a wave of nostalgia; leaving me in a fit of tears and joy. No, I was not on any drug, but it sure felt like I was!

Then came the intermission before the Flaming Lips. Stage crew dressed up as dinosaurs, nuns, and scientists began bringing out large silver half domes that they then covered in long white tubes, creating an altar that would look more appropriate on a space ship. Dressed up as “Carrie” and hidden under a long plastic cloak, Wayne Coyne made his grand entrance and began to ascend the space altar. A Miley Cyrus look-a-like mounted on-top of a bear, slowly crept up behind Wayne with a bucket and, in true “Carrie” fashion, covered him in blood. Red confetti, smoke and balloons exploded out over the ecstatic crowd! We couldn’t get enough!

Wayne said he originally wanted to spray fake blood over the crowd to make a true bloodbath, but decided to sacrifice himself on the cold L.A. night, instead. I can only imagine how freezing and sticky he must have been up on that stage, and for that, I thank you for changing your mind.

The entire performance was perfection! The Flaming Lips closed with “Do You Realize??”. The word “Love” was towering on the screen behind Wayne, reminding us all to savor every fleeting moment and enjoy the hell out of this life. So do that. Now!!

Photography and Words: Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Flaming Lips photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert


Tame Impala

Tame Impala at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Tame Impala at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Tame Impala at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Tame Impala at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Tame Impala at Greek Photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Tame Impala at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

Tame Impala at Greek Photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert


White Denim

White Denim at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert

White Denim at Greek photo by Dominoe Farris-Gilbert


Click through the photo gallery below for even MORE photos!

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