lotus band

Thirsty Thursday’s are usually reserved for college frat brothers and sorority sisters that don’t have class on Friday morning. A copious amount of alcohol is typically funneled into the body within seconds followed by an onslaught of improper judgment and boneheaded moves. Yet once one matures to a level where the Natty Ice no longer does the trick and keg stands are turned down due to “being too tired” the adult version of Thirsty Thursday can ensue. For me, the thirst usually isn’t in the form of alcohol but in the desire to enjoy great music. Thursdays are typically the day of the week in which the major acts come to town to give it their all. This past Thursday was no exception with national recording artist Lotus coming to the House of Blues, Sunset Strip to quench everyone’s thirst.

lotus band

Formed in 1999 at Goshen College in Indiana, Lotus has been around jamming their electronic vibes and groves to the masses from coast to coast, country to country, and continent to continent. Their sound blends the perfect amount of traditional rock music with elements of trip hop, rap, and electronic. I mean heck, they’re known as one the elite jam bands in the country. With the combination of so many elements, the need for multiple instruments during their live set is crucial and indicative of their craft. One can take a glance at the gear on stage and believe they were in a music shop. Bongos on top of xylophones, keyboards stacked on analog synths, and guitars littered amongst the group with all serving a purpose. As the band continued to play massive lighting cues went into effect. From sparkly gold to deep reds and blues, Lotus’ lightning designer helped accent the band’s vast assortment of tunes with the accompaniment of marvelous visuals.

From the crowd to the music Lotus provides an environment that encompasses all that a live show should be. Extended, improvisation of the their tunes kept the audience dancing all night and staying thirsty for more.

Photography & Words: Timmy Farmer

lotus band

lotus band

lotus band

lotus band

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