Vague, vague, vaugue! Who the hell are these kids??? Jump Clumbb (Anonymous Band From Beverly Hills)! Still don’t know who they are and what their whole game plan is all about, besides bringing sweet music to our ears, but they were a joy to interview.

PS – I like my tea steeped for 1.5 minutes with no sugar please

So why the anonymity?

We’re more interested in writing and recording music. Coming from Beverly Hills where everyone and their Mother would drop dead if they went unnoticed, we find it comforting. We choose to fill a void, a nice hiding spot where no one will find us.

Can I get your names or monikers? Sex?

Oh, one sec, the kettle is boiling. I’ll be right back. Just need to get my tea.

How many of you are there?

Would you like a cup of tea, dear?

Who does the vocals? They’re very whispery and fuzzy at times, how do you get that effect?

The vocals and the rest of the music are recorded in a one room studio. An explosion of spontaneous joy and stabbing depression. A place where we feel most at home. We are, at times, very meticulous with recording techniques and effects processing. At other times we need to get the idea onto tape and record very quickly with no set up time. Many of theses times our microphone shorts out, or you can hear background noise, etc. Sometimes we record at the dead of night and try not to wake the neighborhood. All of these experiences lead to our sound I think.

What instruments did you use to create “The Love of No Dance”?

Mostly VSTs and Audio Units. Various effects processors plus hardware and software sequencers. Some of those consist of the MPC1000, Logic and Ableton.

How long did it take to create “The Love of No Dance”?

The recording took 4 days. Locked inside. If you ever lock yourself inside for 4 days please know that you may discover many things about yourself. Madness was imminent and I feel like you can here hints of this on the album. The preparation of the album took place since birth.

What do you want your fans to get out of this album?

A new or different perspective on dance or electronic music. A more focused mindset while listening to the album because fans are not concerned with what Jump Clubb had for breakfast or what Jump Clubb thinks about politics. We focus on why we have fans in the first place, and that is solely because of our music. There is no reason to take it further. Like a first date that turns into a full time friendship.

Any plans for a follow up album? EP?


Any tour dates? If so, how are you going to conceal your identities?

If there was a tour, it may occur around the country on the same night. Maybe 30 shows all going on at the same time. One venue will have the real Jump Clubb while the others will have impostors. Either way, the fans will see Jump Clubb live but no one will know who it is.

If you could bring any musician(s) back from the dead to play a show with, who would it be?

James Brown

Three words that describe your music?


Who are some of your favorite bands of today?

Enjoying the funk revival from the last few years so anything released on Daptone Records.

Who are some of your favorite bands of yesteryear?

David Bowie
Talking Heads

“Spraypaint” has a reference to Brooklyn, any of you from NY?

We’ve spent a good amount of time in NY but are not from their. There is an overall message to the song, “Spraypaint,” that is very dear to our hearts but may mean different things to different listeners.

Any hints you can drop about your anonymity?

How was your tea, my love?

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thank you for having us. We appreciate you more than you know.


Be sure to add their debut album, “The Love Of No Dance” to your album collection. Check the full review here and download their FREE mixtape featuring Major Lazer, Passion Pit, Peter Bjorn & John, Wolfmother, Eric’s Trip and more right here.