Voxhaul Broadcast took the stage at The Echo on Dec. 22, 2009 as they opened up with Chief for Local Natives. You could totally feel the anticipation building for these guys. Ladies in the bathroom were gossiping about how excellent they are, and the rumors are all true! Voxhaul Broadcast delivers a delectable Motown punch with indie rock sensibilities.

You can tell Voxhaul Broadcast are having a great time up there, dancing around the entire stage and captivating the swooning audience. It’s hard to not wiggle your behind to their Doors-like bass lines. They finished their set with “The Backrooms,” a sultry song that ends in frenzied twist, showing off their punk rock roots. Upbeat songs are their strong suit and damn do they play it well, I can’t wait to see where they go.

Words: Roxy Roknian

Photos: Craig Parker

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