Photo credit: Fairlight Hubbard

Los Angeles native Zoe Sky Jordan put out a jaunty alt-pop LP two years ago, proving herself as an enduring, emotive songwriter. A few months ago, she put out a new single, and today Grimy Goods has the opportunity to debut another cut, “Everything I,” which will appear on her forthcoming EP. Jordan pours her heart and soul into the track, and ironically, she only needs to whisper to get her message across. Listen below. 

Navigating dyslexia and employing skills of commedia dell’arte–which is essentially just historic improv–Jordan carefully treads the fickle notion of love. “Everything I” seems to encapsulate the nuance of so many stray emotions that we never address: the paradox of falling for someone while playing hard-to-get; finding a part of oneself only after seeing it in another; even the desire to abandon someone despite seeing a life with them. Rarely do the lines rhyme, but Jordan doesn’t rely on the words themselves to keep up the song’s clever flow. Her voice carries it all on its own, but where it will lead, only time will tell.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#FF78FF” class=”fistclass” size=”15″]“‘Everything I’ is about getting what you want and still feeling unfulfilled. It’s about allowing yourself to identify too deeply with things and with what you think people’s perceptions of you are.” – Zoe Sky Jordan[/perfectpullquote]

Zoe Sky Jordan has a single release party scheduled at the Bootleg this Sunday; grab tickets! Follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

by: Zoë Elaine