Shakira just released her latest single, “El Jefe” featuring Fuerza Regida. The bold ska regional Mexican track arrives with a striking video where we see the beloved Colombian singer and dancer dressed in ranchera-style garbs, cowboy hat, and all.

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While the new single “El Jefe” might be upbeat, the lyrics are powerful and shed light on the struggle many Mexicans and Latine folk endure working tirelessly for the “the man,” being underpaid (if paid at all) and the monotonous struggle of life and doing it all with kids.

For those who have lived this struggle, whether through the eyes of their parents or family members, it all hits very close to home and definitely strikes some emotions.

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With Shakira and Jesús Ortiz Paz, aka JOP, switching spitfire bars of the struggle, we see the San Bernardino, California-born singer carrying an endless stack of boxes on his back in what appears to be a warehouse. This is a direct social commentary on the backbreaking work many migrants endure just to make a buck where ends never meet.

The gorgeous Shakira is seen riding a stunning black horse in the video while the regal animal does some adorable charreria-style footwork. Scenes of Shakira dancing in what appears to be zapateado style are cut in between, all the while dropping her iconic Shakira Shakira hip moves.

What has fans wildin’ over the new song is Shakira’s obvious dis to her ex-father-in-law.

“Dicen por ahí que no hay mal que más de cien años dura, pero ahí sigue mi ex-suegro que no pisa sepultura…”

“They say there’s no evil that lasts more than a hundred years, but there’s still my ex-father-in-law who has not set foot in a grave…”, Shakira sings in ‘El Jefe’.

We won’t go into the drama surrounding her ex-Father in law and Shakira’s separation from Piqué, but just know there is a reason for the dis.

I don’t know about you, but we love this fierce Shakira and her ode to recognizing the struggle of exploited labor workers. ¡Louder, por fa!

Stay tuned for more new music and tour dates from Shakira. Our crystal ball is telling us a 2024 Shakira tour is in the works.

Watch below the video for “El Jefe” directed by Jora Frantzis.