All the acid-popping psych hippies that came out to the Mayan last night to see Austin’s Black Angels perform were pleasantly surprised with the opening act, Hanni El Khatib (or who we now like to refer to as Hanni El Black Keys). A lot people in the crowd had no idea who Hanni was, but they were pleased and intrigued with his live show. Regardless of Hanni’s undeniable Black Keys sound a la Dan Auerbach who produced his latest studio record, Head In The Dirt — you can’t deny this guy’s immense talent and the fact that he can croon, and shred for days on that guitar of his. However, we still prefer the old Hanni and his debut, Will The Guns Come Out …

As for the inspiring headliner, the Black Angels, they absolutely melted the walls off the Mayan — literally. Playing songs from their new album, Indigo Meadow to a background of dizzying Twilight Zone projections, fans swayed around like fried-out zombies. According to one Black Angels fan, the Glass House Black Angels show was way better because “more people were tripping out” and “not enough people at this show were dropping acid.” Hallucinogenic induced fun or not, the Black Angels had fans dancing about to their Phosphene Dream hit, “Telephone” and Indigo Meadow’s “Don’t Play With Guns” to name a few great songs. It was an incredible show.

Check out our photos below of the Black Angels with Hanni El Khatib at the Mayan!

Photography: Monique Hernandez



Click through the photo gallery below for more photos of the Black Angels with Hanni El Khatib at the Mayan!

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