Andy Clockwise 2022
Photo by @hettyhettyhetty

Hitting hard with a new single, Andy Clockwise’s “Gonna Get It (Just What We Deserve)” is a perfect collision of a danceable melody and melancholy lyrics, all wrapped in a pulsating multi-genre sound. Swirling around in an endless orbit, the new single is catchy as hell and punctuated by deep vocals delivered in a spoken word cadence and smooth backing vocals.

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The single, opening with a lush, operatic solo, is strung together by an amalgam of genres from opera, disco, new wave and post punk. Immediate influences can be found from musicians such as The Clash, Talking Heads, LCD Soundsystem and more.

Touching on the ideas of modern boredom, existential dread and their consequences, Clockwise’s lyrics are sung almost lackadaisically, with an understated cool and aloof nature. Name dropping neighborhoods and streets around Los Angeles (Silver Lake and Alvarado Street), Clockwise tracks his expedition as he tries to distract himself from the things that keep dragging him down.

“Gonna Get It (Just What We Deserve)” will appear on Clockwise’s upcoming album, War Stories, a 4-volume behemoth Clockwise played, recorded, mixed and produced while he and his band hauled up at farm just outside of Sydney, Australia, their home country. Their departure back home, and subsequent making of War Stories, came after the cancellation of tour dates in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Sydney-born, LA-based, Andy Clockwise continues to hone and expand on his sound, a rumbling, shifting soundscape that encapsulates a broad spectrum of musical elements. Combined with sharp, insightful lyrics, Clockwise cultivates a smart indie music with intriguing layers. Though he himself is hesitant to comment on his artistic work.

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“I hate talking about music these days. It all seems like buzz words “engagement” and “personal brands.” Cry while ya dancing I say,” notes Clockwise. “To me it’s becoming evident that life is how well you suck, so if you can suck pretty good or in a fantastic way or at least spend a lot of time trying something then maybe you are in with a chance? This is me sucking at indie disco with opera , so that maybe one day with a bit of luck I can write something as good as a bizarre love triangle or the flower duet.”

Words: Patti Sanchez

For more on Andy Clockwise, make sure to visit his website and follow him on Instagram and Twitter.