Holy shit! Did your mic stand just hit me!? Yep. As Anna Ternheim’s set finished last Thursday at the Troubadour with Loney, Dear sitting in as her band, their mic stand fell from the stage and landed on my arm as they were clearing the stage. Thank goodness it didn’t touch the camera! As sweet as they are, front man Emil Svanängen and Malin Ståhlberg totally apologized and made sure I was okay. No harm done. Was kinda funny though.

Lonely, Dear at Troubador - 09

Although I didn’t stay for their entire set I did catch a healthy amount of songs and was totally impressed. Their music is just straight up lovely and skillfully orchestrated. Not only does Svanängen have a unique fluid voice, but he was quite the comedian in between songs sharing with us his Scientology experiences here in LA.  Poor guy’s now on their mailing list!

I was engaged by the entire band as a whole with the music that they produce. It was all just so beautiful and full of emotion, as though you could feel each individual instrument flow through your body. And the dude on the keyboards was awesome!

When Svanängen performed “Ignorant Boy,” I as well as the entire audience was in complete awe. For being such a simple song with hardly any lyrics it’s probably one of the most powerfully emotive. It radiates this bittersweet feeling that you can’t help but feel pleasantly affected by.

Lonely, Dear at Troubador - 06

Next time Loney, Dear is in town I’ll be sure to check them again—only this time I’ll make sure I can stay for their entire set.

Lonely, Dear at Troubador - 01 Lonely, Dear at Troubador - 02 Lonely, Dear at Troubador - 03

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