same sex marriage red box logo

If you’re seeing this red box image on eveyone’s Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter — and you have no clue what it means, you’re not alone. These social media things happen quickly! Basically, that red box image is to show that you’re down with same-sex marriage. A lot of your social media friends have shared this image and some even made it their profile image to show their support and to urge people who agree to wear the color and use it online.

The new logo was created from the Human Rights Campaign’s logo, which is usually a yellow “equals” sign on a blue background. It has been changed to a pink sign on a red background to support gay marriage. All this is pleasantly going viral as the Supreme Court considers arguments over the legality of same-sex marriage this week.

Show your support for all the gay musicians you adore and for everyone else on this planet that would love to marry someone of the same sex.  Save the image above and post it on your social networks!

Grimy Goods supports same-sex marriage.

For more information, click here.


With that said, we leave you with this awesome video by Hunx and his Punx, “Lovers Lane.”