I can’t get over how many of my friends love Nintendo Wii. Even my girlfriends like to go bowling on the Wii all sozzled. I’m still not one for video games, but I do like Guitar Hero and perhaps this new shit. Nintendo has brought in “Wii Music.” And no it’s not the crazy thrashin, that we all love on Guitar Hero or Rock band, but perhaps can be. It actually allows for more creativity than that. It’s super air drums, air guitar, air violin, air flute, air whatevs. Check out the video demo here.

Wii Music brings more than 60 instruments to your living room, where youre free to experiment with them in a variety of different ways. Unlike other music video games, Wii Music lets you put your own spin on songs. Its all about improvisation, creativity and fun. The goal is to explore your inner musician to find creative and interesting new blends of instruments, tempos and styles.

Read the full press relase here.