With a name like Fake Dad, it’s no surprise the alternative pop duo’s defining trait is their magnetic charisma across their steady supply of singles released thus far. “So Dramatic!” is no different, being among the first songs they’ve put out since they moved to LA.

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Consisting of Andrea de Varona and Josh Ford, the duo was initially based in Brooklyn, having met in school and bonding over similar tastes in music. Years later, their bond hasn’t changed, with “So Dramatic!” serving as a show-stopping showcase for singer de Varona, who takes center stage on what might be one of their best songs to date.

Beginning on a note that sounds almost exactly the same as Frank Ocean’s “Super Rich Kids,” Fake Dad quickly switches away and transitions into something LCD Soundsystem would have put out in their early days. To de Varona’s credit, she offers just as much self-aware, witty lyrics to rival James Murphy’s signature deadpan delivery. Even from the start, quotables come at you like they’re nothing, with the lines “I’m so dramatic / Acting like I’m drowning on the Titanic” sure to get stuck in your head.

Most remarkable is how the song, if inspired by artists who no doubt influenced de Varona and Ford, preserves their unique voice through the groovy bass and punchy beat. The vocals are definitely among the reasons for the preservation, delivering infectious dry humor by way of an earworm melody that makes de Varona sound like she’s always on the verge of a tongue twister.

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In actuality, it’s how they combine all the elements into something concise in length, making Fake Dad stand out in a sea of cheap imitators. As for their next move, it’s hard to say, considering they’re quick to release songs with titles like “John Cusack.” What’s certain is that whatever they choose to follow up “So Dramatic!” will be just as exciting.


Words: David Sosa

“So Dramatic!” by Fake Dad is out on all streaming services. For more on new music and live shows, follow them on Instagram, TikTok, and their website.