georgi kay
Photo credit: Weslee Kate

November 3rd will soon be here and Georgi Kay’s reimagining of her 2017 single, “Scary People,” sets the tone for a revolution. The British-Australian artist cites the last election for inspiring her to write the original, reflected in its sneering production. A foggy ambience in the new version underscores the terror of evil. Kay and Brooklyn composer CD Player plan to put out an EP soon with more reworks, including a reimagining of “Lone Wolf,” which debuted in October. 

“It seemed more than fitting and somewhat serendipitous that CD PLAYER would reimagine “Scary People” in such a way that it brought both new life and new meaning to the song and, if anything, further enhanced its message of seeking light and hope within the darkest of places – a message which is as poignant as it was when it was first released in its original form. It couldn’t be more relevant and impactful in its reimagined state today.”
– Georgi Kay

Georgi Kay has described “Scary People” as an anti-hate anthem, and CD Player translated its themes into haunting production. It is a piece of real-life horror, set in a shaded forest with the scene lit with a flashlight so dull one can only catch glimpses of the monsters and vultures that the lyrics describe. It is time to bring down the oligarchs, demagogues, and bigots that destroyed our country and planet. We will fight fire with fire, arm in arm, without looking back. 

Follow Georgi Kay on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

Words: Zoë Elaine

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